VegFair 2025 is happening Saturday April 26th from 11 am to 4 pm APPLY NOW.
Become a sponsor for VegFair! Email us for more information


VegFest is a celebration of plant based living – encompassing diet, lifestyle and mindfulness.
Living a vegan lifestyle is the first step to cruelty free living and the best and most effective thing you can do for animals, your health and the planet, with the results starting immediately to better the world.
  • Read more about going vegan HERE
  • Click HERE for a useful fact sheet on animals used for food
Here are some great resources with tips and suggestions making it easy to start eating vegan today!
A Vegan lifestyle goes beyond just not eating animals, but embracing the idea that animals are not ours to wear, experiment on, consume or use for entertainment.
Click HERE to read about other ways animals are exploited by big business
Learn more about JFA’s other project Meatless Monday Pittsburgh, a global initiative with emphasis on scientific research and the environment:

Pittsburgh VegFest | PO Box 15948 | Pittsburgh, PA 15244

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