VegFair 2025 is happening Saturday April 26th from 11 am to 4 pm APPLY NOW.
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Q: When is VegFest?

A: Saturday, August 10th, 2024, from 11 AM- 5PM


Q: What is VegFest?

A: VegFest is a free-to-attend, all veg event that showcases the best plant based food, shopping, animal welfare and non profit organizations in the city. Pittsburgh VegFest strives to encourage a celebratory atmosphere by also showcasing live music all day and free kids and family friendly activities.


Q: Where is VegFest?

A: Pittsburgh VegFest is held at Allegheny Commons Park East (Pittsburgh’s oldest park!) Located at North Ave and Cedar Ave on the Northside. You can use this address for GPS: 818 Cedar Ave or 255 E Ohio St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212. You can also search for ‘Allegheny General Hospital’ in your GPS, which is located directly across from the park on North Avenue. 


Q: Where do I park?

A: The James Street Garage is located on James St & North Ave, by AGH (Allegheny General Hospital). There is also a parking garage at Nova Place. These are ideal options.

There is street parking along North Ave, Cedar, or Ohio St. (Street parking is usually pay). There is also residential street parking along the residential roads as well on Suismon, Foreland, Tripoli, etc. that is usually free. 

For those who are car free there are city busses and a bike rack right in front and in the park!


Q: Other tips & tricks?

Bring a blanket and reusable water bottle. Many people find seating however many families prefer to find a shady spot under the trees. Sunscreen, hats, umbrellas, strollers and cooler bags are recommended. Many VegFest professionals like a picnic blanket to sit in the shade, cooler bags or tupperware to take food home for later or the next day.


Q: Are animals allowed?

Well behaved and leashed furry (and hairless) friends are welcome. There will be A LOT of people and A LOT of other animals at VegFest so make sure your companion animals are good with crowds, kids, & other pets. Pets and children are also welcome for Walk with a Doc which happens at 9 Am. 


Q: What time does VegFest start?

A: Pittsburgh VegFest starts at 11 am. 

If you purchase VIP passes you can start shopping at 10 am, but make sure you bring your photo ID and check in at the VegFest table after 9:30 to get your credentials. You can find this on our website. 


Q: What is walk with a Doc?

Walk with a Doc is a health geared walk with Dr. Natalie Gentile, MD. Our favorite plant based Doc! You can go on our website or come the morning of to register for the walk. It is free to register. Check in is from 9-9:10 and the walk will go until about 9:50 am. If you purchased VIP you can then check in with us at VegFest to shop early!


Q: What time is VegFest over?

A: Pittsburgh VegFest is over at 5:00 pm

Pittsburgh VegFest | PO Box 15948 | Pittsburgh, PA 15244

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